The Gratitude Workshop
Gratitude is the key to happiness, faith, peace of mind, and successful relationships. This practical, interactive 3 ½ hour workshop uses role-playing and innovative exercises so that you actually acquire the skill of gratitude.
The first half of the workshop trains you to notice and be grateful for EVERYTHING—from your eyelids to the drop-down table in an airplane, from the garbage collectors to the teacher who first taught you how to read. As you learn to fill your day with gratitude, the joy level in the room zooms up.
The second half of the workshop teaches a four-step method for responding to tribulations with gratitude instead of complaints. Whether confronted with a minor irritation or a major cataclysm, complaining only exacerbates our problems, while gratitude opens the way to happiness—and often divine deliverance!
The Kesher Wife Workshop
The Kesher Wife Workshop teaches a set of tools, based on Torah principles, for Jewish women to rekindle the ardor in their marriages. This 3 ½ hour workshop presents the model of The Kesher Wife. Through scripted drama, guided visualizations, and innovative exercises, the workshop participant learns how to eliminate the behaviors that drive husbands to flee from their wives (to the internet, work, etc.). She also learns techniques to create a marriage that feeds both partners spiritually and emotionally.